Lars Dalgaard in Robots in Depth #42. Sponsors: Carbon Robotics and Aptomica

Lars Dalgaard shares his experiences developing robots in many different contexts.

We hear about Lars’ early work with large mobile robotics in a commercial nursery garden handling the transfer of plants from the greenhouse to the field.

He also speaks about the Hydra project a self re-configuring modular robotics project that developed […]

Harri Ketamo in Robots in Depth #41. Sponsors: Carbon Robotics and Aptomica

Harri Ketamo talks about AI and how he aims to mimic human decision making with algorithms.

Harri has done a lot of AI for computer games to create opponents that are entertaining to play against. It is easy to develop a very bad or a very good opponent, but designing an opponent that […]

Christian Guttmann in Robots in Depth #40. Sponsors: Carbon Robotics and Aptomica

Christian Guttmann talks about AI and wanting to understand intelligence enough to recreate it. Host Per Sjöborg.

Christian discusses building systems that can interact with humans beyond regular computer interfaces.

He started working with computers early, too early for advanced AI. He studied broadly, including philosophy, ethics as well as synthetic and biological […]

Federico Pecora in Robots in Depth #39. Sponsors: Carbon Robotics and Aptomica

Federico Pecora talks about AI and how the computer decides what to doand when to do it. Host Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #39 supported by &

Federico finds many interesting research problems combining AI androbotics. Being out in the real world challenges the AI algorithms andmakes real physical tasks possible.

Federico talks […]

Andreas Bihlmaier in Robots in Depth #38. Sponsors: Carbon Robotics and Aptomica

Andreas Bihlmaier talks about modular robotics and starting a robotics company. Host: Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #38 supported by and

Andreas shares how he started out in computers and later felt that robotics, through its combination of software and hardware that interacts with the world, was what he found most […]

Richard Voyles in Robots in Depth #37 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Richard Voyles talks about rescue robotics and advising politicians about robotics. Host: Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #37 supported by

Richard shares how he reacted to the Three Mile Island accident by doing robotics research focused on rescue robotics. He also talks about how robotics has been able to help out in the […]

Stefano Stramigioli in Robots in Depth #36 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Stefano Stramigioli talks about how he leads the Robotics and Mechatronics lab at University of Twente. The lab focuses on inspection and maintenance robotics, as well as medical applications.

Stefano got into robotics when he saw the robots in Star Wars, and started out building a robotic arm from scratch, including doing his own […]

Sebastian Weisenburger in Robots in Depth #35 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Sebastian Weisenburger tells us all about the ECHORD++ project. Host: Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #35 supported by

He describes how ECHORD++ works with application oriented research bringing together academia, industry and end users to bring robotics to market, under the banner “From lab to market”

We also hear about Public end-user Driven […]

Nicola Tomatis in Robots in Depth #34 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Nicola Tomatis talks about his long road into robotics and how BlueBotics handles indoor navigation and integrates it in automated guided vehicles (AGV). Host: Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #34 supported by Host: Per Sjöborg, Robots in Depth #34 supported by

Like many, Nicola started out tinkering when he was young, and […]

Søren Peter Johansen in Robots in Depth #33 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Søren Peter Johansen from DTI talks about implementing robotics solutions in Robots in Depth #33 Sponsor: Host: Per Sjöborg

Søren talks about how he got into robotics by starting to tinker with any electronics he could get his hands on. He worked in a mechanical workshop and added automation to the machines in […]